Thursday, May 23, 2013

WEEK 16!!

Man, time is really starting to FLY by!! It is crazy!! I guess this week was a day shorter because of the temple trip last week... but still! So many good things happened this week it was unreal!

The Alvarez family was at church again this week! Thank goodness for that! We finally got the Hermano to come to Elders Quorum with us instead of just go to primary with his little boy! Last Tuesday, we had a super super good lesson with them. We went in there and read out of 3 Nephi. We read about the destruction of everything when Jesus died. Then we watched it on The Testaments. Then we read about when he came, then watched the film, then read what he did and the effect it had on people then watched the film. It was longer then most lessons we have had but it was sooo good. The Spirit was present unbelievably strong. I silently prayed my heart out that the Spirit would testify to them about these things and their truth and for help with a testimony. We finished the film and Sonya was crying and I bore my little testimony. The Spirit was so strong it was unbelievable. It was one of the strongest times i have felt the Spirit in my life.

We had a ward party last Friday for Mother's Day. They had a really loud sound system and i couldn't hear anything... My poor drummer ears don't quite work the best anymore. Especially trying to figure out Spanish at the same time! lol. They made the missionaries sing a Spanish song. They gave us the lyrics as we walked on the stage and played some song that we have never heard. It was horrible lol. We almost did good on the last chorus. Lol. The crowd loved it though!!

A quick scripture for you all. 3 Nephi 13:24 "No man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon" Now is the time to choose a side. We cannot be fence sitters. If you are not progressing for good, you are digressing for the worst. Choose now who you will serve and do it the best you can!

I love you all!!

Elder Lloyd

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