So, last month we fasted for rain as all the members in California cuz they have had a way bad drought for a while. Last year there was less than two inches of rain the entire year. So, Sunday night it started to rain. It was a really touching experience to see God answer the fast of the members of California and it build many many testimonies of fasting and prayer. Mine included. Well, this week, I guess the real answer came instead of just a hold us off for a minute. So Wednesday was a little cloudy. Wednesday night it started to rain. It rained almost constantly till last night. Today was sunny again. So I have literally been soggy since Wednesday. It was also pretty windy and pretty cold... but hey, what do you do right? Just buck up and do work!!!
This week was super good. We had a full week of missionary work with no interruptions. We are getting back up to our average lessons we have. Now we can again work towards improvement. Last week we had a less active at church who requested that we teach his son the lessons before his baptism. So we started that. This kid is 8 years old and has high functioning autism. Sometimes it gets a little difficult to teach him. It really is pushing our teaching abilities. This little kid, Jacob, is sooo funny though! The last Saturday we met him and his mom told him that if he is good, then he can play his new bat man game on his DS. So, we would ask him a question, he would answer, then immediately turn to his mom and ask if he is being good. She would smile and say yes. Eventually his mom said he needs to stop and just pay attention so he would look over and give her a thumbs up with a questioning look so she would do it back. It was so funny! He really is a cute kid.
Alma 7:12 says "And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." this scripture really illustrates a lot of what Jesus did for us while he was here in a few lines. Because Jesus lives, we will live again. He was killed for us and was resurrected so that we may resurrect as well. He also went through all we go through. Everything you have felt he has felt also. Whenever you feel like you are alone and no one understand, He does. He is here to succor you and help you if you let Him. All you have to do is ask. This is the good news we are taking to the world. That we are not alone in life. I invite you to act on this knowledge. Reach out to the Savior and He will reach out to you. Reach out to your friends that they may know this as well. They need what you have, the knowledge of how to not be trapped in this world with no guidance or help. Share with them the Gospel so that they may find happiness and in return, you will find and increased happiness.
Until next week,
Elder Lloyd
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