Thursday, April 3, 2014

Week 61!!!

So this week was super good!!!

I wasn't transferred so you all can send me letters!! Elder Gil is going up to Pico Rivera though! He is in the same ward I came here from! He is in the area right above the one I was in. So that's pretty cool! It's pretty lame how they split us up though!! But hey, we went out with a bang!!

Angel was baptized!!! So that is super cool!! I am so glad he took that step! I am sooo happy for him and his family!!!   Hopefully soon they are going to get sealed!! so the baptismal service was pretty cool.  First the first speaker was 20 minutes late so we were kinda freaking out.  We called and she said she was coming. So then, right in the middle of the service, an earth quake sets off.   So the bishop is all "protect the children!!"  Everyone is all freaking out and stuff.  The speaker wasn't too happy.  Then we all went outside for 10 minutes.  So yeah, that was lame. Lol.   But in all the service was really good.  It was very spiritual. I know that the work in which I am enlisted is a work of God and that He does lead and guide what His missionaries do if we let him. I know that what we are doing out here is eternally important and the people I meet will be eternally blessed. I am so glad I served a mission.

So, General Conference this weekend.  You should all watch it! Mosiah 15:11 reads "Behold I say unto you, that whosoever has heard the words of the prophets, yea, all the holy prophets who have prophesied concerning the coming of the Lord—I say unto you, that all those who have hearkened unto their words, and believed that the Lord would redeem his people, and have looked forward to that day for a remission of their sins, I say unto you, that these are his seed, or they are the heirs of the kingdom of God."    I want you all to watch General Conference and hear the words of the living prophet and apostles on the earth today.  Not a lot of people know that there is a living prophet on earth today.  Those of us who do know that cannot take it for granted. As you prayerfully watch conference I promise you that you will receive direct revelation on something you need, a question you have. 


This car blew up at Angel's baptisim...

Have a good week!!

Elder Lloyd

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