Saturday, June 28, 2014

Week 69!!!


This week was great! We had Hna Gonzales and her family at church again.  They keep bailing after Sacrament meeting, but at least they are there for that. Little by little they are coming back into activity. I absolutely love watching people slowly start to come into the gospel and watch the blessings and the happiness come to them. I LOVE my mission!    

We found 3 new investigators this week. One is named Carmen. She is 74 and has been catholic all her life. She loves the catholic church.  She could be super good though if she lets us help her! I guess time will tell.  She set up a return appointment so that's good. It shows she at least liked what we said. The other two are a father and son named Manuel and Nate. Manuel fell off a ladder at work and messed up his leg and slipped two disks in his back, Nate is in 8th grade and has Leukemia, needless to say, they are very humble.  They will get baptized for sure.  They came to mutual.  They are very interested in boy scouts, but I guess mutual was changed so they went to a park to play sports. Nate cant play sports right now, but they did meet a lot of the members and some friends.  They unfortunately were not at church because Nate had a doctor appointment so that's pretty lame, but in time we will get them. They are very prepared to accept the gospel. It really is interesting to meet sooo many different people in sooo many different walks of life and see how each has had different experiences and how they either turn to God because of them, or Satan gets them to turn away. I know that Heavenly Father is leading and guiding this work.

We had ward conference this week.  It was focused on Doctrine and covenants 38:30 "I tell you these things because of your prayers; wherefore, treasure up wisdom in your bosoms, lest the wickedness of men reveal these things unto you by their wickedness, in a manner which shall speak in your ears with a voice louder than that which shall shake the earth; but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear."   Particularly the last part, if you are prepared, you will not fear.    The bishop and stake president both gave very good talks on how we all need to get prepared, do things like save food storage, save money, learn English, get legal, (no lie. he said that), read and pray DAILY and attend the church. this weekend alone a school got shot up, 6 people died, a mom in Torrance killed her 3 daughters, and close to where I live, a cholo shot 2 random people on the street, and a few streets down from that another guy shot someone else.    Basically, the world is going to crap.  So get prepared both spiritually and temporally so that you are ready, for if you are ready you will have no reason to fear.

This week was super good but super fast! I cant wait till next week!  You have a good week too!

Elder Lloyd

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